ugh… sometimes life.. ugh

I am writing this on a computer that is slow, and is not letting me do everything that I need to do… and so, I am frustrated… My laptop was having some problems over the weekend that seemed to solve themselves, but, alas today it took a nosedive. It looks like it might finally be finished… I won’t know until the I.T. guy will have time to look at it, which might be some time from now…

The whole process has just deflated me… really took the wind out of my sails… sometimes in life we are just clipping along and things seem to be fine, and then… ugh… life just kind of happens… you know?

I need to be thankful.. I have so much… I am not stranded on an island, I am not starving, I am not completely without internet access, or even access to a computer (obvious statements, as i am on the internet posting this… )

I have been dealing with some fear issues in my life… something that apparently comes with the territory of having trust issues…

I read a verse this morning that really impacted me… so I thought I would share it with you…

Psalms 16:5 “LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.”

I love the word “secure.” I want to be secure… unafraid… shored up… When I think about “my cup”, I can’t help but think about Jesus praying, if this cup shall pass… and there is a sense of destiny in this verse… God has assigned… given us marching orders… and he has made it safe and secure… Helped me this morning feel a little more at peace…


5 thoughts on “ugh… sometimes life.. ugh

  1. We were worshipping with Psalm 34 last night…which was pretty powerful for me considering how God rescued me this past weekend. My fears are a bit silenced in the light of knowing His presence was so tangibly with me.

  2. and security is such a unique concept…what does it mean to be secure?

    i think that is something you will discover as you continue to walk along this summer in complete abandonment of your plans for the future and in complete trust of His plans for your future…

    praying for peace and a mac for you…


  3. Hey Stephen, if you need someone to check out your computer remotely, give me a call… I may be able to do it from here. You should have my number, or Bruce can get it to you.

  4. hey stephen…

    i hope your summer is going well…

    fear is a funny thing…sometimes it is unwarranted, and other times, it comes because we stumble upon some epiphany – like we are not in control and god is…

    i have been going through something like that this summer…

    always remember that although god is powerful and “out there” he is also love and has plans to give us a hope and a future…

    btw, i am now blogging at

    more consistently this time 🙂



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