2 or more.

There are several places throughout scripture where it speaks to the value of having friends.  At the very core we get the value displayed in the creation story where God says “it is good” up until he sees man alone and says “it is not good.”

Friends, brothers, sisters, we are created to be in relationship.  I know that I have bought the lie for too long that I am supposed to go it alone.  I have great people around me.  I have an amazing wife.  I have great friends.  I have a great family.  And yet, I often choose to not let them in.  I create my own aloneness.

In my aloneness, I can do great damage and become very unhealthy.

I know that I am spoiled with the amount of good people I have access to in my life.  This week while my wife was away for business, I had the opportunity to spend time with some of my close guy friends, and go to dinner with a dear couple.  But, I also have had the opportunity to recluse myself in the house with the puppy and be alone.

I keep seeing this word in my different readings…. vulnerable… and I know that ultimately it leads to really amazing things… especially in the risk and reward equation.  But, I fear that word.  As willing as I think I am to be vulnerable… if I am being completely honest… I am at best dipping my toes in the water, when I know I need to cannonball.

I am created for relationship.  I am created to not “go it alone.”  I need to cannonball into vulnerability.

How about you?


be inspired


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